We Are The Willows Picture (Portrait) Pt. 1 & 2 Double Vinyl LP | Ambient Inks

We Are The Willows Picture (Portrait) Pt. 1 & 2 Double Vinyl LP


The latest album from We Are The Willows, Picture (Portrait), has been a decade in the making.  The album is based off of 350 letters written between singer/ frontman Peter Miller's grandfather and grandmother while he was stationed in the Southwest Pacific during World War II. Their correspondence inspired Peter to explore themes of family, separation, life, death, and identity in a time of national and personal crisis. The songs communicate complex ideas delivered with pop-sensible charm. His grandmother loves this album. You just might too. 

Track listing:

1. Picture
2. (The Stationary And The Testament)
3. Dear Ms. Branstner
4. (Beautiful Singing) ft. Alison Rae
5. We May Never Grow Old ft. Phox
6. (July 5th, 1942)
7. Eva Eva Eva
8.(Someday I Will Leave You)
9. To Me From You
10. (Wherever You Go, Whatever You Do)
11. My New Name
12. (37322636) ft. The Daredevil Christopher Wright
13. Stillborn And Stuttering
14. (Seems And Seams) ft. Monica Martin
15. Wedding Song
16. (In The Garden)
17. Turpentine To An Open Would
18. (Honey Lamb, I Haven't Much To Write)
19. Wondering Out Of My Head
20. (Portrait)

Release Date: March 25th, 2016


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