Farewell (3xLP) Coke Bottle Clear | Ambient Inks

Farewell (3xLP) Coke Bottle Clear



Specific Description: Farewell opens with a highly energized performance of Menos el Oso’s crucial track “Drilling.” Part of the beauty of watching Minus the Bear was hearing their songs unfold on stage and realizing how little studio magic was actually involved in their albums. All the electric wizardry by guitarists David Knudson and Jake Snider, technicolor synth work by Alex Rose, and rhythmic interplay between drummer Joshua Sparks and bassist Cory Murchy happens in real time, and hearing the old favorites here in all their road-tested glory is an invigorating reminder of the band’s razor sharp performances and forward-thinking creativity. Minus the Bear were never a band to rest on their laurels, and Farewell immediately moves onto late career classics like the melancholic banger “Last Kiss.” The whole discography is covered—from first EP cuts like “Lemurs, Man, Lemurs” and “Hey, Wanna Throw Up?” to the title track of their final release Fair Enough. Longtime fan favorites like “Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse” and “Pachuca Sunrise” sit alongside newer hits like “Cold Company” and “Invisible.” And in between we hear the roar of the crowd, the heartfelt thanks and bittersweet ruminations on the passing of the years by Snider, and the occasional dad joke by Rose.

Farewell covers a lot of ground across the span of its 26 songs and two-hour run time. Yet every moment is a reminder of why Minus the Bear were such an experiential live band. They were always pushing forward, evolving their sound, and finding new ways to balance brainy musicianship, pop worship, meditative sentimentality, and adrenalized fervor into their own signature concoction. Further bolstered by the mix of Matt Bayles and master job by Ed Brooks at Resonant Mastering, the album sounds like a fully immersive live experience. Suicide Squeeze Records is proud to offer Farewell to the world on October 29, 2021 as a 3xLP and on digital formats.

Release Date: October 29, 2021
Record Label: Suicide Squeeze Records
Format + Color: 3xLP on custom Coke Bottle Clear vinyl

1. Drilling - Live
2. Last Kiss - Live
3. Lemurs, Man, Lemurs - Live
4. Absinthe Party at the Fly Honey Warehouse - Live
5. Thanks for the Killer Game of Crisco Twister - Live
6. Diamond Lightning - Live
7. My Time - Live
8. Summer Angel - Live
9. Cold Company - Live
10. Fair Enough - Live
11. The Fix - Live
12. Fine + 2 Pts - Live
13. I’m Totally Not Down With Rob’s Alien - Live
14. This Ain’t a Surfin’ Movie - Live
15. The Game Needed Me - Live
16. Invisible - Live
17. Monkey!!! Knife!!! Fight!!! - Live
18. White Mystery - Live
19. Spritz!!! Spritz!!! - Live
20. Knights - Live
21. Let’s Play Guitar in a Five Guitar Band - Live
22. Hey, Wanna Throw Up? - Live
23. Get Me Naked 2: Electric Boogaloo - Live
24. Into the Mirror - Live
25. Throwin’ Shapes - Live
26. Pachuca Sunrise - Live

Cover Art Designed By: Henry Owings - @chunkletindustries
Digital download card included?: Yes

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